Welcome to ValueWeb

This is a new site and is still under construction.

Thank you for choosing ValueWeb as the host of your virtual domain. We wish you the best of luck with your web site, and look forward to serving you in the months to come. Below are some tips on how to get your site up and running quickly and easily.

Uploading Your Pages

Using the FTP client of your choice, connect to ftp.dentspecialties.com (or until your domain is active), and login with your username and password. Once logged in, you will be in the document root directory of your web site - this is where you should place your default page (index.html). If you have any scripts, change to the "cgi-bin" directory and upload them there. If you wish, you may create sub-directories and place documents in them as needed.

Viewing your Account Information and Web Site Statistics

After your domain is registered (it takes from two to four days for the Internic to process new domain requests, longer for transfers in some cases) you can access your control panel via your web browser at http://www.dentspecialties.com/stats. After you login with your username and password, you will be able to access your usage reports and alter some of the settings on your account. In addition, utilities are available to aid you with the installation of forms, guestbooks, counters, and more.

Important Things to Remember

Please email webmaster@valueweb.net if you have any questions about your account.

1996 ValueWeb